Introduction to the Database

This is a database of the French and British army soldiers in Québec in 1759 and 1760. There are 11,358 entries, 4,079 for French and 7,279 for British fighters.

French military personnel were members of Troupes de Terre, Troupes de la Marine, and the French Navy, while the British were from infantry regiments, joined later by Royal Navy personnel.


Numerous sources were drawn on in building the database: data was painstakingly extracted and compiled. Primary sources on the French army were early Québec parish registers, notarial records from New France, attestations of freedom to marry, and the admissions records of Hôtel-Dieu de Québec. Secondary sources included Combattre pour la France en Amérique. Les soldats de la guerre de Sept Ans en Nouvelle-France 1755–1760, Les Compagnies franches de la Marine au Canada 1750–1760, Les Chevaliers de Saint-Louis en Canada, and Les morts de la guerre de Sept Ans inhumés au cimetière de l’Hôpital-Général de Québec.

There are no official military documents clearly identifying Canadian Militia members. However, some combat participants have been identified using historical and genealogical research. Biographical information will be posted as it becomes available.

A number of primary sources were used in piecing together the British Forces, most of which were located in The National Archives’ War Office Collection in London. Sources included Muster Rolls (WO 12), Description and Succession Books (WO 25/435), Proceedings of Courts Martial (WO 71), Royal Hospital, Kilmainham: Pension Admission Books (WO 118), Royal Hospital, Chelsea: Regimental Registers of Pensioners (WO 120), and Royal Hospital, Chelsea: Discharge Documents of Pensioners (WO 121).

How to Search the Archives

Use the search field below to find particular soldiers. Enter any search term: last name, first name, or anything else you have on the individual you’re looking for. A list of records matching your search term will be displayed at the bottom of the page. Click on “detailed information on this individual” to access the complete record. You can also use the advanced search option with additional entry fields.

We realize that information is incomplete and regular updates will be made. Thanks in advance to all those who help to further develop this database.

Questions or comments:

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Special thanks to genealogist Marcel Fournier and historians Stephen Brumwell and John Houlding for their valuable contributions to this project.

Suggested reading:

  • Fournier, Marcel. ed. Combattre pour la France en Amérique. Les soldats de la guerre de Sept Ans en Nouvelle-France, 1755-1760. Montreal: Société généalogique canadienne-française, 2009.
  • McCulloch, Ian Macpherson. Sons of the Mountains: The Highland Regiments in the French and Indian War, 1756-1767. Toronto: Robin Brasse Studio, 2006.
  • Mathieu, Jacques and Sophie Imbeault. La guerre des Canadiens, 1756-1763. Québec: Septentrion, 2013.

Your search query for the following term «Joannès» give 4 results.